My Biggest Takeaway from Europe

12 days in Europe was a DREAM! It was a first time for me and I truly got so much from it! Not only the fashion, the gorgeous scenery and the food, but so much more! I’m SO grateful for the opportunity to travel because of my job, it has brought me so much insight, growth and experience!

I remember the last day we were in Spain which was the first country we visited, I was talking to Saunder about how much I loved the flow of things. It was hard adjusting in the most silly way because we are used to the “go go go”, “I want it now” mentality. But in Europe, it felt more about slowing down and enjoying the experience.

As we know it, America is fast paced. Two years ago we moved to Southern Utah from Northern Utah (huge change I know lol) and the vibes are SO different even though it’s only 4 hours away. It feels slower, happier and more flowy. Still, the places we visited in Europe were on a whole different level. The restaurants were closed down during certain parts of the day. Work started later, there was a mid day siesta (nap), and dinner didn’t even start/open until 8pm. And on top of all that, it wasn’t a rushed. It was an EXPERIENCE. It inspired me to come and slow down. To enjoy experiences.

Since being home I have made a few changes and i’m also realizing how hard it is to change what you have known your entire life. The “go go go” doesn’t just stop one day. It’s a commitment to being present, being more intentional and not focusing on what is next.

If you ever get a chance to go to Europe, I highly suggest to GO! On top of what I just shared, their standards of ingredients are higher and what they put in/on their bodies, and the fashion is fab!

Here is one of my looks while in Venice, Italy! One of the most romantic unique places i’ve ever been!




Top: Scout and Cloth

Jacket: Nuuly

Pants: Freddy USA

Boots: Cotton On

Ear Cuffs: The Post Shoppe (use code JALYNN10)


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