3 Ways to Jump Out of Your Comfort Zone

Growth happens most when we do things that get us out of our comfort zone.

I am all about pushing myself when life gets too cozy and I know my soul is craving a big move!!

My most life changing experiences have happened when I took the leap out of my comfort zone and was brave enough to make changes.

This kind of growth took courage but it was so worth it!

Here are a few things that have helped me get out of my comfort zone and into growth mode.

  1. Do one new thing every week.
    Commit to try one small new thing each week.

    Set this goal and stick to it! The more you do it the more confident you’ll feel doing things that make you feel uncomfortable!

    That is when growth starts to happen.

    2. Meet new people.

    Talk to someone new. Spark conversation with people and expand your mind!

    This is one of the quickest ways out of your comfort zone and you never know who might need you to have the courage to speak up first.

    3. Remember that sometimes you will fail.

    When trying things that push us out of our comfort zone, we won’t always be successful at them right away but that’s how we grow!


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