6 Journal Prompts for Shadow Work
Throughout the last few years I have made massive life shifts to align more with my authentic self and that has included ton of shadow work.
During the process I have learned that shadow work has so much to do with getting really freaking honest with yourself about who you are, and where you want your life to go.
Every single thing in our lives is an affect of a choice and the coolest part of that is, WE GET TO CHOOSE.
And that is why I have made intentional choices to grow, heal, and yes even change.
If you are in the process of a shift, I SEE YOU and am going to share 6 journal prompts I have used in my shadow work, that might help you too:
1️⃣ What am I lying to myself about?
2️⃣ Do I struggle with showing myself compassion? How does that make me feel?
3️⃣ What pieces of myself do I continue to reject, and why?
4️⃣ What makes me feel the most uncomfortable and why?
5️⃣ What toxic cycles am I choosing to take part in? Why?
6️⃣ When was the last time I felt jealous of someone else? What do they have that I want?
Get deep with these questions and put it on paper. I promise, you will start seeing light on things you didn’t even know was happening.
Then really think about how you are showing up for yourself, especially right now. Maybe it is old beliefs stopping you from letting you see those true parts of yourself or maybe it is some else’s expectation of you.
Letting go of the old to make room for the new is a huge part in finding our authentic self and sometimes during this season you will feel happy and you will feel like grieving.
I have been there too and I can tell you that all of it is real and ok to feel all the feels!
What is your favorite way to do your shadow work?