Sometimes that word can feel overwhelming and intimidating. Not because we don't want to set and achieve goals but because we don't know how to!
When we let our brains think big, we all have huge dreams that we want to come true in our lives. Often we don't acknowledge them simply because we have no idea where to even start to accomplish them! This is where goal setting comes into play!
By using S.M.A.R.T goals we are able to take a giant dream and break it down into smaller parts that are much less intimating to conquer. Like with anything in life, the more success you have (even with the littlest task) the more confidence you build and the more you are ready to tackle more challenges.
The first step is to make your goal very specific. Spend some time narrowing down exactly what it is that you want to accomplish and what things need to happen in order for you do so.
Now that you know what you want to achieve, you need a way to measure your success. Will you break it into daily habits that are checked off each night or will it be measured by small increments of success that will happen over time.
Now you know I am all for chasing BIG dreams but I also want you to be successful! This means that we need to be reasonable in the expectations we set for ourselves and have enough self awareness that we don't set ourselves up to fail from the beginning.
As we break up our dreams into smaller goals, we need to be sure that each smaller goal is relevant to the bigger picture. It's easy in todays world to get caught up by the sparkly things that randomly catch our attention but we must maintain focus on our end game and set our milestone steps according to that.
Part of reaching your goals is the accountability factor. We can't give ourselves forever and a day to get something done or chances are it will never happen! Set boundaries for yourself and hold yourself to schedules and deadlines to help maintain the focus needed to achieve the goal.