Benefits of Castor Oil Packs

From beauty benefits to wellness and health benefits, Castor Oil is a major player in the wellness arena! Never has there been something with so many diverse benefits and can be used for so many different purposes!

When it comes to castor oil and women, the uses are extensive, which makes this one of my favorite go-to’s in my wellness routine! My favorite way to use castor oil is via a castor oil pack/wrap 2-4 times per week overnight!

Castor oil packs have been used as a natural remedy to promote healing, improve circulation and reduce inflammation for thousands of years. In fact, the use of applying castor oil to the body topically can be traced back to medical textbooks in Egypt as early as 1550 B.C. Let’s dive into more….

Castor oil comes from the castor seed which is native to India. It is extremely high in the fatty acid ricinoleic acid (about 90% of the oil), which is thought to be responsible for its health-promoting abilities.

Castor oil works by stimulating your lymph and liver function by increasing your lymphocyte count, which then allows the body to speed up the process of removing toxins from your tissues. Lymphatic congestion is a key factor in inflammation and disease.

Castor oil packs can be placed over a large or small areas of the body, such as the thyroid, the liver, or mid-section to target particular areas of the body.

The benefits of Castor Oil Packs include:

  • Relaxes the digestive system, reducing bloat and improving constipation

  • Reduces gallbladder inflammation/stones

  • Improves lymphatic drainage

  • Reduces gut inflammation

  • Reduces headaches and migraines

  • Detoxes the liver

  • Shrinks thyroid cysts and nodules

  • Reduces painful menstrual cramps

  • Shrinks cysts in breast tissue

  • Shortens periods and regulates cycles

  • Shrinks uterine fibroids

  • Shrinks and reduces ovarian cysts

  • Reduces symptoms of PCOS

  • Improves healthy gut microbiome and biofilm breakdown

  • Improves circulation

  • Reduces overall inflammation, muscle soreness and joint pain

  • Breaks up adhesions or scar tissue

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Improves and helps heal the skin (improves eczema and psoriasis, decreases stretch marks and scaring, soothes dry or sunburnt skin and rashes, removes skin tags and moles)

  • Improves hair health (increases growth, thickens hair, reduces damage)

  • Increases relaxation and improves sleep quality (best to do at night)

  • Supports weight loss

  • Reduces water retention

  • Increasing thyroid health and supports autoimmune issues (Hashimoto's)

The use of castor oil packs also increases master cleansing agent, Glutathione. Glutathione is a super antioxidant that pulls and supports the elimination of most, if not all, toxic substances from the body - even including heavy metals.

This is such an EASY and very impactful practice. Check out my favorite castor oil pack items here. Suggested use is 3-4 times per week, but the more consistent you are the more you will start to see the benefits!


Advanced TRS Detox Spray


Cleaner and Safer Beauty