Cleaner and Safer Beauty

The choices we make regarding our beauty and skincare products are so important. What we choose to put on our skin has a major impact on our overall health and that is why I am so excited to share about my shift to cleaner and safer beauty routines.

By choosing products that prioritize your well-being, the environment, and ethical practices, you contribute to a positive transformation within the beauty industry and positively impact the well-being of future generations.

Let’s chat about what clean means, why it’s important and why I chose Beauty Counter!

Understanding the Risks of Conventional Beauty Products: Conventional beauty and skincare products often contain a cocktail of synthetic chemicals, fragrances, and preservatives that can have adverse effects on our skin and can lead to irritation, allergies, and long-term health concerns. By choosing cleaner alternatives, you reduce exposure to potentially harmful substances and nurture your skin in a gentler way. Unfortunately any company can claim “clean” without any standards of backing that up, so it’s important to support companies that are not just talking the talk, but walking the walk! Do the products you use test for heavy metals? Do they use fragrance? Where are they sourcing ingredients from? Important questions to ask when supporting beauty brands!

Environmentally Conscious Choices: Cleaner beauty extends beyond personal well-being to the well-being of the planet. Sustainable sourcing, eco-friendly packaging, and cruelty-free practices are pillars of cleaner beauty brands. By making environmentally conscious choices, you contribute to a more sustainable and ethical beauty industry. Beauty Counter has helped pass several laws to help make changes and

A few more reasons on why I chose Beauty Counter:

-Beauty Counter has stricter standards than the EU. 2800+ questionable ingredients are NEVER used in formulations. EVER.

-Mindful sourcing, very high standards in every way shape and form, and Beauty Counter advocates for EVERYONE! 👏🏼

-Full transparency: Beauty Counter fully discloses ALL ingredients, which is an uncommon practice in the beauty industry

-Obsessive testing: makeup is tested several times for heavy metals. 

-Beautiful, sustainable packaging and products 

By supporting cleaner beauty, you encourage continued progress and positive change. Let your beauty routine be a reflection of your values and promote a radiant and healthy glow that goes beyond skin-deep. If you are looking to switch out your current routine, I would love to help you! Fill out this color match form!


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