Conscious Creating

What does conscious creating mean? What does it look like? Keep reading!

Via good ole’ Google: Conscious creation is the process of choosing what you want from life, and taking the steps you need to bring this into reality.

I have lived the majority of my life in a very reactive way. I allowed life to happen, and then I would react. Growing up in religion, I was a very big rule follower and didn’t question authority or what I was being told. So that is how I lived my life. For 33 years I did the things, I didn’t question, and I didn’t really know the power I truly held inside of me.

Once I stepped outside of the box of religion I was introduced to a whole new world. A world that I GET to CREATE! I stepped away from being reactive and I asked myself, WHAT DO I WANT?! I took accountability for my life, my perspective and my experiences and I committed to myself to go on a journey of un-learning and healing.

Now let’s get back to the question… What do you want?!

WOAH…. now that is a question. Can YOU answer that?

I started manifesting and intentionally focusing on all the things that bring me into alignment so that the things I WANT, come to me. I have so many examples of this, let me share one!

My husband and I decided we wanted to buy a cabin a year ago. I knew exactly what I wanted in my head. I visualized it, and I knew what it would look like, how far off the road it would be and I wanted to have land! Now that I had what I wanted in my head, we had to take action to show the Universe we were ready! We found a realtor and met with her very quickly. The first day we went to walk through cabins with our realtor, we viewed a good handful of options. I knew the first few were a hard no the second we saw them. And then…. we pulled up to the third cabin and MY JAW DROPPED. This was it. I knew before even walking in. This is EXACTLY what I had visualized and called in. It was on 1.5 acres, it was tucked off the road (most cabins are closer to the road - so this was a must for me) and it was the perfect size for our family and around the price point we wanted. Amazing, right?!

This is just ONE example. The last few years have been absolute magic as i’ve peeled back the layers and stepped more and more into my power!

We get to be a willing participant in our reality, or not. We can choose to sit in the drivers seat or the back seat. Now, i’m not saying tragedy won’t strike or something “bad” won’t happen, but when you are being an active participant in your journey, the experience will be much different.

My biggest tip for being an active conscious creator is to go within. So many people look outward to “fix” their problems, to make them happy and/or to distract them. True happiness doesn’t come from something outside of us, it comes from within. Once you have gone within you can ask yourself “where is this desire/feeling/story coming from?” Is it to impress someone? Is it to escape from your problems? Is it based out of fear/lack?

No one is responsible for your life, but you. No one can change your stories, but you. No one can do your inner work, but you! Get it?! Now go create the life you want by dreaming/visualizing/manifesting what you want and then taking ALIGNED action! I’m cheering you on via the interwebs! ;)

Now let’s get to some makeup!

Today was a simple look and of course matched the outfit, because, why not?! I love having this creative outlet to have fun with my outfits and makeup looks! It gives me LIFE! And that’ what it’s all about!




Dress: SheIn (I’m in an 8/10 - 6’ tall)

Sandals: Scout & Cloth

Ear Cuffs: The Post Shoppe (use code JALYNN10)

Mushroom Earrings: SheIn


Making Space

