What Stories Define You?

A simple yet complex question… what defines you?

A better question is, what do you LET define you? That business that didn’t work out? The labels you were given as a child? The trauma that you have been faced with? Comparing your experience to someone else’s exprience?

An experience in our past is just a story. Not that it wasn’t hard, traumatic, or life altering, but, it is a story. We can choose to “re-write” how we view ANYTHING from our past by changing the story around. Not erasing it, but taking the power back. Not being a victim too that story.

Our life experiences don’t always have to make sense. We also don’t (and shouldn’t) have to skip the pain or suppress to move foward. What we do need to do is feel it all. Feel it so deeply, and then heal when you are ready. By feeling what needs to be felt and then doing the work to move through whatever it is, you allow yourself to heal instead of attaching yourself to a story.

This process feels un-comfy, because it is. Growing up most of us were never taught to feel, deal, and then heal. We were taught to get over it, shove it down, and not show emotion. Then fast forward to adult life, and it feels even harder when it comes back up again or manifests itself as some sort of a health issue.

These conversations are new. A lot of us are navigating mental health, healing, emotions, for the first time. And I am sharing because I don’t want anyone to have to hold onto anything they are ready to heal from.

So, it’s time to change your story. It’s time to detach from the stories you cling to, to feel safe. It’s time to re-write who you are, and who you want to be. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Going into the new year, think about this. Really deep dive and see what stories you would like to detach from. Maybe a story about why you don’t deserve love. Maybe a story about why you will never be successful. Whatever it is, only you have the power to move through it. And the only way out, is through.

Today I am sharing a power color look. All oranges and yellows are my jam. This one was especially fun!




Top: SheIn

Jeans: SheIn

Ear Cuffs: The Post Shoppe (use code JALYNN10)


New Year, Same You!


Social Media Self Care