Detoxing in 2025

Between our daily exposure to toxins and the chemicals being sprayed in our skies—many of which are banned in a few states but not most—this is the year to support our bodies in detoxing on a whole new level. I’ve felt a deep call to share my detox journey and how I’ve been able to heal from every challenge I’ve faced by prioritizing detoxification. So here we are!

While some might mock the idea of detoxing, saying, “Our bodies naturally detox, so we don’t need to,” it’s important to recognize that our bodies have never been subjected to the unprecedented toxic load we face today.

Through detoxing, I’ve personally been able to heal from every diagnosis I’ve encountered and completely turn around my health. Trusting your body to guide you through your detox journey is key.

*Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. I’m sharing my personal lived experience and research. I always recommend testing and working with a holistic or functional doctor/practitioner.

I’ll be sharing many tools below that I use and love. My advice? Don’t overwhelm yourself. Instead, tune in to your body and intuition as you explore this list. If you feel drawn to something specific, look into it—that’s your body guiding you.

Now let’s dive in!

Here are my personal favorite methods of detoxing that have supported me in becoming the best/most healthy version of myself at almost 38 years old!


1 SWEAT: And when I say sweat, I mean SWEAT! I have a personal sauna and while that is not realistic for everyone, I want to share a few more affordable (and HSA eligible) options! This Infrared Sauna Blanket (code JALYNN15) helps purify the body with MANY other benefits. If you want to go a little bigger, I have friends who LOVE this 360 Infrared personal sauna (code JALYNN) that you can keep anywhere in your house!

2 Zeolite Detox Drops: this digestive and cellular detox is the easiest way to detox daily. No weird taste and GREAT for the whole family! We do this every single day and the benefits of detoxing daily in a gentle way are astounding!

3 Coffee Enemas (use code JALYNN): this is one of the most profound ways to detox. Using the right tools is everything when starting this practice and this is the best company out there. These products are Gerson approved (cancer protocol), mold free, organic and the list of benefits is UNREAL. You can see more about the ins and outs of enemas here!

4 Liver Complex (code JALYNN): A supplement I can’t live without. I’ve been taking this since it launched and I love it. This can help improved detoxing along with other benefits such as hormone balance, fatigue, acne and protecting cells! Our Liver is our detox organ, so supporting that for me is a non-negotiable!

5 Castor Oil Packs + Dry Brushing (code JALYNN15): My favorite castor oil pack and dry brush! These are two great/simple ways to help your body detox/flush toxins along with many other benefits. You can read more about castor oil benefits here!

6 Vibration Plates: Opening up lyphatic drainage to support the body in detoxing is HUGE. These plates provide a long list of benefits, but that is what I mostly use my vibration plates for and everything else is a huge bonus!

7 Activated Charcoal/Binders: I take these 30 min before I sauna or do enemas and/or every night so that while I sleep that charcoal can bind onto toxins and flush it out! You can take this as a Activated Charcoal Liquid Supplement (most effective in liquid form) or Activated Charcoal Capsules at a lower price point!

8 Detox Bath: One of the most enjoyable ways to detox! I try to to a detox bath once per week but sometimes I end up doing two if I feel like I need it! I love to use Magnesium Bath Flakes and Magnetic Clay Bath for these baths! Drink LOTS of mineral filled water after these baths to replenish (see below)!

9 ORAC & Camu Camu Concentrate: This is an antioxidant power packed elixir that helps fight viruses. protects against harmful influences, combats free radicals, supports the immune system, can help with detoxing and helps the skin glow from the inside out! I take this with my other elixirs as a shot every morning!

10 Air Purifyers: Keeping my house safe and clear of toxins is such a great way to support the body. We have an air filter in our main living space, master bedroom, one upstairs by the kids room and we both have one in our office. Start with one in your main living area and go from there!

11 Stay Hydrated: The body is better able to flush out toxins when we stay hydrated! Staying hydrated is much more than just water (I know, shocker). My favorite clean electrolyte with a long list of benefits is Redmond Real Salt Electrolytes (code JALYNN15)!

12 10 Day Sanctuary Wellness Detox: This detox kit has not only changed my life but I have had friends go from not being able to fully walk, to walking, dis-ease and autoimmune issues completely turn around… it’s just incredible. This kit helps assist the body in removing - Parasites, Heavy Metals, aluminum, chemicals, muquoided plaque, rope worm, and egg nests. 

Some of these links are affiliate links, but I want to assure you that these are all things I have used and loved before I reached out to get a code to share! As always, thank you for shopping through my links and supporting me!


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